Elementary level
Refers to the ability to comprehend simple phrases, basic expressions and interact in a straightforward manner. At A1 level, an individual can use everyday expressions to meet immediate needs, introduce themselves and others, and constructing interrogative sentences and answering the questions faultlessly. They can also communicate effectively in simple situations if the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to cooperate.
Pre-intermediate level
Means having a general understanding of what is being communicated, but with some difficulties. At the A2 level, an individual can understand sentences and commonly used expressions related to their immediate experiences, communicate effectively in everyday tasks, and describe basic information related to their past and environment.
Intermediate level
Refers to the ability to interact spontaneously, but with some difficulty in grammar and vocabulary. At the B1 level, an individual can understand the main points of clear texts related to familiar topics in work, study, or leisure contexts, handle most situations that may arise while traveling to regions where the language is spoken, and produce simple and coherent texts on familiar topics or those of personal interest.
Advanced level
Indicates the ability to understand almost everything, including idiomatic expressions, and to compose complex texts for professional or social purposes. At the C1 level, an individual can understand a wide range of demanding and longer texts, express themselves fluently and spontaneously, and use the language effectively in various social, academic, and professional settings to produce detailed and well-structured texts with correct organizational patterns, connectors, and cohesive devices.